Archive for February 2009

Mobile pics of CPAC

February 28, 2009

Here are a few mobile pictures from CPAC

CPAC Day 3

February 28, 2009

Day 3 was packed full of some good old DC fun. Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney. That was followed by a West Wing tour of the White House. Even better the second time, thank you again Brian. Finished off with a fine dinner at Old Ebbitt’s. Tomorrow is the big finale of CPAC and it’s happening all too soon.

CPAC Day 2

February 27, 2009

The first day of CPAC 2009 kicked everything off great! Representative Ryan Paul is my new favorite congressman. Ambassador John Bolton broke out this morning. Who would’ve thought he had such a sense of humor? I was thoroughly entertained. The rest of the day for me consisted of personal tours of the RNC and the J. Edgar Hoover FBI building courtesy of Jon Thompson and Steve Jefferson, respectively. Thank you tremendously fellas, it was more than appreciated.

Tomorrow is going to be packed with big names like Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. Can you feel the heat?

CPAC Day 1

February 26, 2009

Driving in DC traffic is always an adventure. I’m trying to unwind and relax to hit the ground running tomorrow at CPAC. Look back daily for an update.

GOP Govs

February 22, 2009

With the passing of the $787 Billion stimulus in Washington, time has come for the money to hit the states individually. However, several Republican Governors are standing on principal and refusing the stimulus money. I’m actually going to have to propose a better idea here. I say, GOP Govs, take the money. After all, Washington is handing it out and it’s just as much Republican money as it is Democrats. (Actually probably more so). Here’s where my idea comes in though, it’s what you DO with the money. Take the stimulus money, and just send checks to tax payers instead of building parks or other useless things of that nature. After all, it is the tax payer’s money, and they shouldn’t be punished because states like California spend money like MC Hammer. Just call it a state income tax refund. I mean, isn’t that the only responsible thing to do?

Important Poll

February 18, 2009

Transparent Bi-partisanship

February 13, 2009

It’s official! The Democrat controlled Congress pushes through a 1,000+ page bill for over 780 Billion! I couldn’t read 1,000 pages in 12 hours, could you? I guess speed reading is being taught at Congress University. I am just impressed with how well this new Congress is working together though! I mean, Democrats have managed to reach across the isle and gain the support of 0 Republicans and -7 of their fellow Democrats. I’m impressed, are you?