GOP Govs

With the passing of the $787 Billion stimulus in Washington, time has come for the money to hit the states individually. However, several Republican Governors are standing on principal and refusing the stimulus money. I’m actually going to have to propose a better idea here. I say, GOP Govs, take the money. After all, Washington is handing it out and it’s just as much Republican money as it is Democrats. (Actually probably more so). Here’s where my idea comes in though, it’s what you DO with the money. Take the stimulus money, and just send checks to tax payers instead of building parks or other useless things of that nature. After all, it is the tax payer’s money, and they shouldn’t be punished because states like California spend money like MC Hammer. Just call it a state income tax refund. I mean, isn’t that the only responsible thing to do?

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One Comment on “GOP Govs”

  1. […] Kevin King’s Blog wrote an interesting post today on GOP GovsHere’s a quick excerptTake the stimulus money, and just send checks to tax payers instead of building parks or other useless things of that nature….After all, it is the tax payer’s money, and they shouldn’t be punished because states like California spend money like MC Hammer. Just call it a state income tax refund…. […]

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