New Important Poll

Recently the Seahawk on the campus of UNC-Wilmington has published photos of nude underage girls and claimed it is free speech and “art”. Let me know what you think! (The original article can be found at

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3 Comments on “New Important Poll”

  1. phil Says:

    It’s probably not a great idea to do this on the college republican site. Ask the Seahawk, they will do it.

  2. ummm Says:

    This isn’t a fair poll. Look at how you worded the question. Not to mention that it’s on a biased blog.

  3. kevinkjr Says:

    Just a note:

    Phil, I understand what you’re saying, but this is my personal blog, only linked via the College Republicans. If the Seahawk did the poll, it would be just as biased to the left as mine is to the right.

    “Ummm”, it isn’t intended to be a scientific poll, and I never claim it is. However, it IS open to the public and openly linked on Facebook to people of all political affiliations. But thank you for your comment.

    For further explanation, please click on “Who is Kevin King?” at the top. It will help that out a lot.

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