Archive for April 2009

The Unfailable…about to fail?

April 24, 2009

After dumping BILLIONS into the auto industry, bankruptcy is looking more and more eminent for Chrysler, and possibly GM. So why then, is it that all of a sudden it’s acceptable for these companies to fail when just a few months ago it was unthinkable? Sometimes conservatives get tired of saying “I told you so”, but once again, “I told you so”. Thanks for just delaying it and spending billions in the process, Democrats in Congress.

Tea Party @ UNCW

April 17, 2009

This clip explains it all, but my question is, this “isn’t family friendly”? What about 2 year olds already being in debt isn’t family friendly? When CNN shows coverage of people having pro-Gay Marriage rallies (VIDEO), that’s family friendly? I’m just so curious as to why the Main Stream Media and the Left is so afraid of these “right wing extremists”? Is it because America is finally waking up to the slide from democracy to mild tyranny? Look for more Tea Party posts to come…

Non-partisan politics, partisan polls.

April 6, 2009

It appears that President Obama has the biggest partisan polarization of any President in modern history. I thought he was a modern, non-partisan messiah?

Tangled Web

April 5, 2009

When will the transparency arrive? Listen, I know that politicians are crooked, Republicans and Democrats alike. I’m just waiting for it all to stop. We need to stand up against this. Not just say, well they do it.