Archive for October 2009

Early Retirement

October 30, 2009

Politico breaks down Pelosi’s Health Care bill at $2.24 million per word. If you don’t understand just how much that is, I could retire for life after writing this blog. Just a thought.

Tickling the Ivory

October 17, 2009

Although it wouldn’t be anywhere near accurate to describe myself as a fellow pianist, I will say that this song is amazing and inspiring. I believe it is terribly underrated, and incredible written both lyrically and musically. Take 5 minutes to listen to a master.

New Ways To Create Jobs

October 16, 2009

[STORY] Obama says he’s looking for new ways to create jobs. Wait, wasn’t that what the $787 billion Stimulus Plan was for? Oh, maybe it was supposed to make things worse, because so far things have gotten far worse than they predicted would happen if they did nothing. Logically speaking then, the Stimulus was a very bad idea. I’m just basing that on the White House charts though. I think that’s only fair. It’s not too late to undo most of the damage though. Let’s take the $700 billion or so left, and not spend that. Then do some retro tax cuts, Reagan style of course. That has already proven to work after all.

It’s Halliburton!

October 13, 2009

Oil is near year high [STORY]. This is outrageous. I think that President Obama is in with the Big Oil Companies. That’s the only explanation, right? Bush cause oil prices to be high so Obama MUST be doing the same! It’s all Halliburton’s fault!

He’s done…A LOT!

October 13, 2009

The Nobel Peace Prize committee has come out in defense of their decision stating, “We simply disagree that he has done nothing,” committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland told the AP on Tuesday. “He got the prize for what he has done.” [STORY] Well of course he’s done a lot. He signed that thing…OH!, and he called that guy…WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! When he was nominated, he hadn’t even had the name changed on his office yet. I think it’s absurd that the committee can’t even name specific things. Am I surprised though? Not at all.

A Big Bunch of Crybabies!

October 12, 2009

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic Strategist, tells the Administration to grow up. I couldn’t agree more.

Dollar Dive

October 12, 2009

Interesting information here people. It’s time for this Administration to get its priorities straight! If we aren’t careful, it won’t matter if we are at war or if we need health insurance reform, because we’ll be BANKRUPT! Let’s wake up America!!!

Message, Not the Delivery

October 9, 2009

Over the past year of my politically involved life, I have become increasingly concerned with the concept of delivery over message. What I mean by this is simply that too often people focus on how someone says something, as supposed to focusing on what they are trying to convey. For instance, when Rep. Joe Wilson yelled “You Lie!” at President Obama, all the left would talk about was how inappropriate it was. That may be the case, I am not saying otherwise, what I am asking is why they weren’t concerned with the fact that President Obama had, in fact, lied? Isn’t that truly the more important issue at hand? If that wasn’t the forum to yell “You Lie!”, was it really the forum to lie to the Joint Session of Congress AND all of America?

Most recently, I have received comments discrediting things I’ve said purely based on spelling/grammatical errors. Although I do believe in sound writing, to err is human. What I do have an issue with is the lack of willingness of liberals to address the actual content. I suppose it is easier to just call me an idiot because of a spelling error than it is to argue a solid counterpoint. So to all of you “ad hominem” liberals, thank you for having such sound discussions. Thanks to you, there will never be a productive discussion. Until you mature, I will look forward to adding more “hate” mail to the wall of my office. It’s better than a cup of coffee in the morning.

That’s ENOUGH of Your Questions!

October 7, 2009

Below is an Q&A with Robert “Bob” S. Russell of the UNCW Budget Office. I believe it is a tad inappropriate. Thoughts?

Q:—–Original Message—–

From: Kevin King

Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:02 PM

To: Russell, Bob

Subject: Re: Student Fees

I am so sorry to bother you again but I was hoping to find out just a little bit more information. I was curious as to if salary raises were included in this year’s budget “freeze”.

Thank you again,

Kevin King

A: On Oct 7, 2009, at 8:12 AM, Russell, Bob wrote:

There are no salary raises for state employees for FY 09-10 or FY 10-11, according to Senate Bill 202 (state’s budget).

Q:—–Original Message—–

From: Kevin King

Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 11:12 AM

To: Russell, Bob

Subject: Re: Student Fees

That’s what I had assumed but I was reading that the ITSD department has received salary increases. Is this illegal?

A: On Oct 7, 2009, at 11:14 AM, Russell, Bob wrote:

If the ITSD employees received a salary increase then it was perfectly legal.

Q:—–Original Message—–

From: Kevin King

Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 11:17 AM

To: Russell, Bob

Subject: Re: Student Fees

I really am sorry to bother you but that confuses me. If the State

Senate passed a bill allowing 0 raises, how do people get raises?

A: Kevin,

There are many ways that an employee can get an increase in their salary, i.e., promotion, increase in job responsibilities, changing jobs, etc; all of which are perfectly legal.

I believe that’s enough with your questions.

September Logs bring…October Blogs?

October 7, 2009

To all,

I want to apologize for the lack of entries during the month of September. Getting a new paper off its feet is a task in itself. I hope to make the month of October a better blogging month.

