Archive for February 2010

Blog postponed

February 22, 2010

The blog isn’t neglected, it’s postponed until further notice. Check out in the mean time

I’ll call your “You Lie” and raise you a Supreme Court jab

February 1, 2010

During President Obama’s State of the Union address, he took an inappropriate swipe at the Supreme Court. [HERE] Thankfully, Justice Alito didn’t miss the opportunity to counter him by mouthing, “Not True.” [HERE]

The reason this is notable is that the President was extremely offended when SC Rep. Joe Wilson yelled “You Lie” during the President’s address to the Joint Sessions of Congress. [HERE] When then would the President take a jab at the highest court of the land? Furthermore, why would he do it then, during the State of the Union address? Those questions may not be easy. However, it is important to look at the Supreme Court’s recent overruling of the majority of McCain-Feingold. [HERE] This is clearly what he has a problem with. It seems the Supreme Court overruled government control, and President Obama did not like that. It was a case of first amendment violation, and they upheld the law of the land, in my humble opinion of course.

What this all comes down to is lack of personal responsibility. The more people in the room, and even some outside the room, that President Obama could blame, the more attention it took off of him. The true person at fault was him, but unfortunately he didn’t admit that from the podium. It’s time our Commander-in-Chief took on a leadership role instead of being a monday-morning quarterback.