Gulf Day #2

It was a rainy morning, so I lounged on the couch and watched 2 Fast, 2 Furious. Such a fantastic movie. Paul Walker should have won an Oscar for that performance.

The Cap’n got off work just after lunch, so we headed up, (I guess over), to Destin. There’s an outlet mall there, and I did some roaming around. Found a nice shirt at Brooks Brothers, and found that Ralph Lauren’s new style is for the more flamboyant of men. That however, is a whole other story.

Finally made it back to the homestead in time to make a pre-dinner snack. It would be a few hours, so I opted for some nachos. The snack of champions.

A few hours later, it was finally time to fire up the grill for some rib eye steaks. To complete the entrée, we made some cheddar mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus. Add a glass of red wine and you have a worthy meal.

An uneventful and relaxing day it was. The time change is kicking my butt. Until tomorrow.

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