Archive for February 2011

TNT and Time Traveling in Tennessee

February 16, 2011

On Monday I made my first voyage to the Music City herself, Nashville, TN. At just under 300 miles, it’s the shortest road trip I’ve made thus far in my new adventure series. In fact, I traveled through time. It only took me 3 hours to get there and 5 to get back. Same roads, same speed, and same number of stops. Think on that one for a while.

It has been said that trips are not about the destination but about the journey. I will partly agree with this. Although traveling hundreds of miles is not what I’d call fun, I get to see some interesting things along the way. Here is one of them:

Fall Creek Falls. I suppose redundancy isn’t lost on the great people of Tennessee. I’m assuming there is falling water at this location, but that’s just a guess. The creek falls at the falls? It might have something to do with the seasons, but water is generally perennial, so I’m thinking they are just getting their point across. Repetition is the key after all.

Also, there are always the Fun Facts I learned: Unbeknownst to me before the trip, Tennessee is a treasure trove of debauchery. According to billboards I passed, the volunteer state is home to the world’s largest fireworks stores and the south’s largest adult store. Those are both bragging rights that should be included on their license plates. Although I guess Missouri already has claim to the “show me state” on their license plates. Maybe TN could change theirs to TNT. Or TNA. Or both. Welcome to Tennessee, home of TNT & TNA. I’m full of fabulous ideas.

Music City herself was amazing though. Every establishment I walked past had a top-notch band belting out country favorites. Such a high concentration of talent. Any other city would be lucky to have the talent of a bar or two in Nashville. It was truly amazing. My musically friendly ears were quite happy.

I hit up several honky tonks up and down Broadway including the famous Tootsie’s. The photos that line the walls of such places are one of a kind. Maybe one day I’ll have my picture on the wall somewhere. Hopefully not the Post Office.

I usually don’t do the museum thing, not because I don’t like them, but I always find something else to do somehow. Well this trip, I made time. Touring the Country Music Hall of Fame was an exceptional experience. It was really neat to see the progression of country music along with a lot of memorabilia of my favorite stars. A Cadillac from Elvis, Hank Williams’ first guitar, and about 20 pairs of cowboy boots from various musicians. If you ever find yourself in that country town, I highly recommend it. One of the best museum experiences of my life. Maybe I’m just a southern music nerd, but I don’t think anyone would be disappointed. In fact, I want to go back again sometime, any takers?

To top off the trip, my accommodations were out of this world. Working for Marriott hotels for all these years has been an endless asset when taking trips. In Nashville I stayed at the Renaissance right in downtown. After talking shop with the manager at check-in, I got a city facing room on the 23rd floor with access to the concierge lounge for hors d’ouvres and breakfast. I live like a King everyday, but especially so this particular evening. God may not have given me a brain for rocket science or the vocal cords to make it onto CMT, but he gave me a personality to make friends, and that is invaluable to me.

Stay tuned for the next adventure…

Music City Photos

February 16, 2011

I’m a little bit country

February 6, 2011

Next stop is Music City, a week from today. Until then…read the older posts!