The prime Meridian

After a much delayed start, we headed south from Candler to Meridian, MS. Leaving snow covered mountains, we headed in search of adventure, and hopefully warmer weather. 11 hours later we reached Mississippi and had really only found traffic thus far.

The delay was all because Dave is about as organized as, well, something that isn’t very organized. This disorganization was only reinforced during day 2, where we packed up the house that was supposedly already packed, but that’s neither here nor there.

One thing that is certain, walkie talkies make a road trip exponentially better. There’s the inevitable Smokey and the Bandit line that applies to your situation, roughly every 50 miles. When you cover 500 miles in the first day, that’s a lot of Burt Reynolds lines.

Something that isn’t as fun is spending an hour in bumper to bumper traffic, in a straight-drive. I believe I may have taken a few years off the life of my left knee. Great.

Day 2 consisted of packing up a house in disarray. Though it did begin with breakfast as Hardee’s. Well, it was supposed to be breakfast, but as we walked in the door they changed our minds for us. So, the day began with lunch at Hardee’s. Nothing starts the day quite like a thickburger. The blood really starts pumping when you interject some red meat into your system.

The packing pretty much took up the whole day though, so now it’s some unwinding before New Year’s Eve out on the town. As the lights reflect on the lake, I can’t helping thinking it’s been a good two days.

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