Archive for the ‘Life’ category

I ain’t as good as I once was

July 6, 2012

My last post was about the fear of becoming old and lame. After another night on the basketball court, I realize I’m getting old and lame. I don’t run like I used to, and things hurt that I didn’t even know existed. All this and I’m only 24. God bless my next 24 years. Ok, that may be a bit dramatic. After all I’m healthy, losing weight, and well, 16 was a few too many hamburgers ago. I can’t be upset at self-inflicted pain. I am determined to bring youthfulness back to my life. I will get in shape, I will play and have fun, and I will…ok I can’t think of a third something to keep the trend going. Very similar to my basketball abilities, I try really hard and then miss the layup. At least I’m consistent in life.

The hard part of it all is that I was born an adult. I never played with other kids, I always wanted to know what was going on at the adult table. Play in a fort? No, I’m good. The adults are discussing taxes. What kind of 5 year old takes life so seriously? I was robbed I tell ya. So here I am, an adult who has no frame of reference on what being a kid is like, searching for youthfulness. Life is definitely an adventure. I suppose I will embrace the responsibilities and sore muscles of adulthood. Like the great philosopher Jimmy Buffett said, “I’m growing older but not up.” I’ll just have to agree with that statement.