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Amarillo by morning

January 4, 2013

The day began, not surprisingly, by heading West. Again. After 1,300 miles, the monotony somewhat sank in. Once I was back on the road in the support Jeep, a little Train put me in the mood. (Side note: if you haven’t checked out their new album California 37, do it. Now). 

From Wichita Falls we headed towards Amarillo. What lie between those two destinations was truly very little. More beautiful countryside filled my field of vision for hours. Then came time for a lunch and refueling stop. Once we reached Amarillo, we picked up I-40 and stopped off. This lead us to a packed gas station. After fueling one vehicle, we continued West in hopes of somewhere less busy to stop and eat. 

Thirty minutes later, after miles and miles of deserted landscape, Dave chose the next exit that showed some semblance of civilization. It contained only one restaurant, a Dairy Queen. Now I’m not one to diss the ol’ DQ, but after so much traveling and fast food, it’s not my favorite. Hunger won though, and he headed for the door. A sign was perched upon the glass and read, “No credit cards accepted today.” Apparently it was a cash-only civilization.

Back on the road, we drove and drove, hunger slowly controlling my senses, until we found a truck stop. It was like an oasis atop one of those flat desert mountains, whatever those are called. This place was complete with gas pumps, Subway, and a free car museum. It also had a restaurant, which I wish I had known before eating Subway.

Sitting down to eat our subway in one of their restaurant booths, I used their Splenda to make sweet tea. It was still disgusting. I’ve heard war stories about Mexican water, but now I suppose I should warn you about New Mexican unsweet tea. 

(Side note: somewhere between Amarillo and the truck stop, we crossed over into New Mexico. This is simply an update for those less-than-astute readers). 

While eating my deliciously hand-prepared sandwich, I noticed the special in the restaurant was “Tomatoe Soup.” I wish I could make that up. Maybe the same people who make chicken ‘fingers’ crafted some tomatoe. I’m not entirely sure. I guess illiteracy is nationwide.

To stretch our legs a bit and spend a little time out of the car, we took advantage of the free car museum. It wasn’t a bad little collection. A mid-year Vette caught my eye, along with a few other Chevy’s. My favorite though was a C5, supercharged Lingenfelter Corvette. What a waste sitting inside collecting dust.

Once done with our sightseeing, it was back out on the open road. We decided to rotate around our driving duties to allow for some rest incase we drove further than anticipated. I took the helm of the 17-foot U-haul with car trailer attached. Jesse took the support Jeep, and Dave…slept. The next four hours were a blast, navigating the furniture moving shuttle. Though some of the rolling hills could have used some jet propulsion.

As we passed an exit sign that said Wagon Wheel in New Mexico, Dave promptly found that on his iPod, and we rocked it mama. Speaking of towns along the way, I’ve said it before, but there are so many reused city names. This trip I have passed by Ashville, AL, Canton, TX, Memphis, TX, and Raleigh, Somewhere. Not sure what state that was in, but come on folks, come up with some new names. Maybe, Kevinville or something. Just a suggestion.

Late in the day we made it to Albuquerque for a refueling mission. To refuel out vehicles, our stomachs, and souls. Once we were through the city, we found a bright shimmering light in the darkness, a Route 66 gas station. Inside, was Laguna Burger. The gas filled the cars, the fantastic handmade burgers filled our stomachs, and the graffiti on the bathroom walls filled our souls. The inspirational words and drawings will always be with us, along with that smell of simmering cow meat. Bless you bastion of hope for the weary travelers.

Once the stomachs were full, the trip began again. It was finally my turn to sleep, and so I opened my laptop and wrote down these words. Heading towards Flagstaff, AZ, the glow of the iMac filled the U-haul cab and Bob Seger played on the radio. We were just running against the wind.

It’s funny how music can sometimes fall into the trip on its own. Yesterday I was listening to Musta Got Lost and I passed a road sign that said Giles. Driving through Texas, Thunderstruck played. Driving through Mississippi, Song of the South played. (Even though it might’ve fit better in Alabama). Half way through Arizona, I pulled off an exit to stand on a corner, in Winslow.

A driving experience

January 4, 2013

Day 2 out on the open road was interesting. For lack of a descriptor, it was quite the driving experience. We left from Meridian and headed West on Interstate 20. The highlights were Jackson, Shreveport, Vicksburg, and crossing the great Mississippi River. (I wasn’t all that impressed). Our original destination was Dallas, but our eager souls pushed onward, finally resting for the night in Wichita Falls, TX.

Why was it a driving experience you may be asking yourself? Well, a series of events led to hilarity and a botched u-turn.

The first happened when our fearless leader in the U-haul missed the on-ramp for I-20. This led us up a dark Texas dead-end road. It was a scene out of that chainsaw movie, whatever it’s called, where they massacre people, in, um, Texas.

Once the dead-end was reached, the U-haul was in a precarious situation. With no where to go, I in the support Jeep, backed up, turned around, and blocked the road. This would surely deter anyone from coming to block us in, or murder us. Nonetheless, the path was cleared.

Dave proceeded to back the U-haul, with trailer attached, about 300 meters. I’m not sure exactly how far that is since in America we use don’t use the metric system, but let me tell you folks, it was quite the distance. While I waited, I ate a cold roast beef sandwich from Arby’s and laughed. It was dinner and a show.

The second instance came going through Dallas. While heading from one freeway to another to move on up to Wichita Falls, we got off of an exit. It was the type of exit, as the pilot of the support vehicle, I assumed was a refueling pitstop. However, I saw no gas station. We continued down this poorly lit two-lane road for a while, passing a Car Max and a few other miscellaneous businesses. Once we reached what seemed the end, only marked with a “10 MPH Curve Ahead” sign, I began to become concerned.

Sometimes long distances traveled can have an effect on people. Perhaps the leader was being affected by some kind of fatigue. Maybe it was an exhaust leak. I’m not sure but this was definitely not part of the trip, or so I thought.

I proceeded to call the leader, only to find out that not only the GPS, but the Maps on his iPhone assured us this was the way. A few miles later, we ended up on a major freeway. Only in Texas I suppose.

Good ol’ Texas. The moment we crossed the Texas line on I-20, the speed limit became 75 MPH. To me, this is just a subtle way of saying, “Welcome to Texas, land of freedom, drive as you wish.” There’s probably some truth to that.

Aside from the fantastic roads and speed limits, there were miles of open country. Cattle, cacti, and oil rigs could be seen. Not to mention the occasional wind farm. Apparently they grow wind there.

Last but not least, I drove on the President Bush Parkway. If only the country still was.

The prime Meridian

December 31, 2012

After a much delayed start, we headed south from Candler to Meridian, MS. Leaving snow covered mountains, we headed in search of adventure, and hopefully warmer weather. 11 hours later we reached Mississippi and had really only found traffic thus far.

The delay was all because Dave is about as organized as, well, something that isn’t very organized. This disorganization was only reinforced during day 2, where we packed up the house that was supposedly already packed, but that’s neither here nor there.

One thing that is certain, walkie talkies make a road trip exponentially better. There’s the inevitable Smokey and the Bandit line that applies to your situation, roughly every 50 miles. When you cover 500 miles in the first day, that’s a lot of Burt Reynolds lines.

Something that isn’t as fun is spending an hour in bumper to bumper traffic, in a straight-drive. I believe I may have taken a few years off the life of my left knee. Great.

Day 2 consisted of packing up a house in disarray. Though it did begin with breakfast as Hardee’s. Well, it was supposed to be breakfast, but as we walked in the door they changed our minds for us. So, the day began with lunch at Hardee’s. Nothing starts the day quite like a thickburger. The blood really starts pumping when you interject some red meat into your system.

The packing pretty much took up the whole day though, so now it’s some unwinding before New Year’s Eve out on the town. As the lights reflect on the lake, I can’t helping thinking it’s been a good two days.

The 405, 10, and other numbers

November 13, 2012

Day 4 into my West Coast Winter expedition, I figured it would be good to start recapping things for your enjoyment. That, and I’ll probably begin to forget them soon. Usually when I travel I do a day-by-day breakdown, but this time I think I’ll go topical. Or maybe both. We’ll just have to see how the plot unfolds.

I think I shall begin with the California traffic. All I heard coming out here is that LA traffic is horrible. After driving in and around Southern California for a few days, I began to disagree. Sure there were tons of people, but there are also tons of lanes. Leaving LAX down the 405 South, there were seriously 5 or more lanes heading in my direction. Lots of cars, but plenty of place to put them.

As I toured the Southern Beaches, there were still plenty of cars, but traffic moved and I often thought, “This isn’t too bad.” That is, until our Southern Descent from Malibu into Beverly Hills. I was once again warned, “Don’t drive anywhere in LA after 3PM.” I did not heed that warning and saw LA traffic in all of its might. To those who warn of LA traffic, touché. 

Out here though there is a new driving style to which I believe I’ve acclimated well. Some people drive 20 over, some 5 under, yet they are all in a hurry. (Have you ever seen a car going under the speed limit while still furiously changing lanes? I hadn’t either, until now.) They just all go where they’re going. OK, perhaps that is a tad over-simplified, but it’s true. If they are getting off at this exit, that’s exactly what they’re going to do. Speed, distance, cars in their way, and other trivial elements of physics are no object.

This also applies to city driving. If you’re turning right and there’s no right-turn-lane, just make one. There’s 4 feet and a bicycle lanes, good enough! The sad part is, as I said, I’ve acclimated to this and made some fantastic maneuvers on my own thus far. If only I had a GoPro and a highlight reel.

That reminds me, I need to look up motorcycle fatalities in California. Talk about people making their own path! As a motorcycle enthusiast myself, I am always mindful of the two-wheelers around me. But this brought it to new heights. When they say motorcycles are everywhere, heed that warning. Lest you be startled when a CBR 1000 comes in between you and the car in the lane to your left. All week I have seen lane splitting, excessive speed, and very little acknowledgement for the rules of the road. That would in theory be fun, if it wasn’t for the above-mentioned dangers of Cali drivers.

The conclusion? Rules matter very little on the road here. Drive where you want, how you want, as fast (or slow) as you want, generally in a high dollar sports car, but that’s for another post.

Life’s Travels

July 4, 2012

Well, there isn’t going to be an update to the Wilmington trip. I suppose nothing eventful really happened. Sorry to disappoint those on the edge of their seat waiting for more details. I didn’t mean to get your hopes up.

I’ve decided to not only write about literal travels, but also the travels of life. The things I think about. Where my mind takes me from time to time. Hopefully it will at least let me write more frequently since I’m not traveling often these days.

My first thought: I don’t want to get old. I’m not talking about physical aging, I’m actually quite comfortable with that. Grey hair and winkles don’t frighten me. What I’m referring to is acting old. While pumping gas recently, I noticed a father, in his early thirties, wearing a horrible outfit. It was a tucked-in t-shirt, cargo shorts, and those Jerusalem cruiser sandals with socks. My first thought was, Lord please don’t let me ever dress like that. I don’t want to lose my youthful view of life. Dressing well, feeling well, and enjoying every moment. I want to opt for the youthful side of life. Instead of a mini-van, go for the crossover or sedan. Or maybe have a carseat in a sports car. A man can dream, right?

Blog postponed

February 22, 2010

The blog isn’t neglected, it’s postponed until further notice. Check out in the mean time

I’ll call your “You Lie” and raise you a Supreme Court jab

February 1, 2010

During President Obama’s State of the Union address, he took an inappropriate swipe at the Supreme Court. [HERE] Thankfully, Justice Alito didn’t miss the opportunity to counter him by mouthing, “Not True.” [HERE]

The reason this is notable is that the President was extremely offended when SC Rep. Joe Wilson yelled “You Lie” during the President’s address to the Joint Sessions of Congress. [HERE] When then would the President take a jab at the highest court of the land? Furthermore, why would he do it then, during the State of the Union address? Those questions may not be easy. However, it is important to look at the Supreme Court’s recent overruling of the majority of McCain-Feingold. [HERE] This is clearly what he has a problem with. It seems the Supreme Court overruled government control, and President Obama did not like that. It was a case of first amendment violation, and they upheld the law of the land, in my humble opinion of course.

What this all comes down to is lack of personal responsibility. The more people in the room, and even some outside the room, that President Obama could blame, the more attention it took off of him. The true person at fault was him, but unfortunately he didn’t admit that from the podium. It’s time our Commander-in-Chief took on a leadership role instead of being a monday-morning quarterback.

UNCW Responds

November 6, 2009

Below is an email from Cindy Lawson, Assistant to the Chancellor, regarding my article in The Conservative Hawk:

Hi Kevin,

I read your article in The Conservative Hawk and wanted to let you know that your information is not correct.  The salaries for each of the years appear to be accurate, as are the percentage of increases.  But the conclusions you have reached in your article are inaccurate.  Those raises were given in October of 2008 at a time when the state and the university were not facing the fiscal constraints they face today.  In some cases, those raises were the result of ITSD’s reorganization.  In other cases, they were equity or raises that resulted from the state’s reassessment of market rates for IT salaries.  In fact, most, if not all, employees received raises during that year, although the state had not yet implemented the new banding process for other positions.  Those raises are still realized in today’s salaries.

I also wanted you to know that, with few exceptions, there have been no salary raises for 2009-2010.  Those exceptions include about 40+ faculty who were promoted from assistant professor to associate professor or from associate professor to full professor.  Five staff persons also received raises, either because they were promoted to new position or applied and were hired for new positions paying more in other university departments.

Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Cynthia Lawson

Assistant to the Chancellor

Marketing and Communications

University of North Carolina Wilmington

Cell: (910) 279-0479

I have also posted the audio here from when she called in to correct us on The Big Talker FM. Enjoy, it’s a great conversation. Thom Goolsby was guest hosting for Curtis Wright and it is a spirited debate. The Conservative Hawk on The Big Talker FM

Early Retirement

October 30, 2009

Politico breaks down Pelosi’s Health Care bill at $2.24 million per word. If you don’t understand just how much that is, I could retire for life after writing this blog. Just a thought.

Tickling the Ivory

October 17, 2009

Although it wouldn’t be anywhere near accurate to describe myself as a fellow pianist, I will say that this song is amazing and inspiring. I believe it is terribly underrated, and incredible written both lyrically and musically. Take 5 minutes to listen to a master.